How is it calculated?
When calculating your returns, we use the internal rate of return method (also sometimes known as the money-weighted rate of return).
This means you are seeing the performance of the timing of actual cash invested and when the funds were deposited - including your contributions, dividends, transfers in, withdrawals and any fees you have paid since you have joined the plan.
For periods longer than one year, the return is annualized. If the period being measured is less than one year, the actual return is disclosed, and it is not annualized.
Personalized rate of return
Your rate of return is a measure of your unique investment experience. It is different from the fund-level investment performance that is reported on your fund fact sheet.
Your plan assumption
When calculating your projected retirement income, we assume a rate of return of { assumed rate} %, based on the current guidance from the financial planning standards council. Your personal rate of return can be compared against the assumed rate of return.