3 - Schedule employee education
Employee education
To introduce the plan and prepare your employees to enroll, we'll co-host a virtual education session for your team. During the session we will explain the benefits of a retirement savings plan, give a demo of the platform and take questions. By the end of the session, your employees will know:
- your employer contribution and matching levels (if applicable)
- how to enroll
- how much to save
- how to make contributions
- how their savings are invested
- the impact of withdrawals
The session will be recorded for those who are unable to attend live or want to listen again.
Preparing to announce the plan
The date of your education session will help us determine when to send plan announcement communications (in step 4).
Follow these steps to schedule your education session:
Set a date for the education session
Determine a date and time for the employee education session - this can be an existing all-hands meeting. -
Send a meeting request
Invite your retirement specialist and all eligible employees to 'hold the date' for a company announcement (skip this step if you plan to host the education session during an existing company meeting).